I sometimes encounter mental
health-related blogs and articles which represent the kind of black and white
thinking that ends up being more harmful than helpful. An example is a recent
internet blog titled "Change Bipolar Disorder by Changing Your
Mindset." The author's premise is that bipolar disorder is a creation of
the mind and through the process of coming to terms with reality and facing
one's past trauma, the symptoms of bipolar disorder can be conquered. The
author's perspective is conveyed through statements such as: "The medical
society comes from a typical solution of medications, which are drugs...
Bipolar Disorder comes from a person not facing reality and their fears... Drugs
stop the ability to grow emotionally beyond the basis of past trauma... The
manic and depressive episodes are just a signal that you are maladjusted to
life and running from reality."
These efforts
to espouse hope that cure is within reach is potentially guilt-inducing for
those with bipolar disorder who experience the prospect of cure as being beyond
their reach. From the author's perspective, those who take prescribed
medication are using pharmaceutical treatment to run from their fears! The
implication being that if they alternatively chose the right kind of
psychotherapy, they could free themselves from drug treatment and from a
bipolar future fraught with recurrent relapse.
I know many a
bipolar individual who would mightily disagree. I too can't align with this
position, though I also can't fully dismiss the implication that unresolved
personal issues sometimes do contribute to bipolar symptoms. The important
distinction entails knowing when personal issues do exacerbate bipolar symptoms
rather than proffering the broad-sweeping and misinformed assumption that
unresolved personal issues cause bipolar disorder.
There's also
the converse side of the argument, the more predominant medical model, which
holds to the view that bipolar disorder is biologically based, chronic and
lifelong. Essentially, if you've got it, you're stuck with it and there’s
little to no chance of resolution. For most with bipolar disorder this is more
familiar territory. If you've been hospitalized or experienced recurrent
episodes of moderate to acute instability, then you've likely had a
psychiatrist suggest that you need to accept the permanence of your condition
and learn to live with it. Generally speaking, I agree with this though I don’t
want to discount the possibility that we sometimes see unusual and unexpected
outcomes. However, the reality is that most longitudinal studies do support the
notion that bipolar disorder is a chronic lifelong condition.
Where this
gets tricky is with those on the mild end of the bipolar continuum who are
somewhere between 16 and their mid-twenties. Consider the profound
transformation that most individuals undergo while going from adolescence to
young adulthood; or better, imagine taking a version of yourself at 19 and
visiting with him or her when you turn 32. You'd probably feel like you were
encountering a very different individual. That's the beauty of maturation - we
really do change with time.
When the
lifestyle patterns of the late adolescent evolve toward adulthood, we often see
the establishment of regular employment routine, healthier sleep hygiene and
increased consistency of day-to-day functioning. This is why adolescents are
prone to see adulthood as boring!
when recreation doesn't entail frequent drug and/or alcohol use and when one
becomes more skilled at managing external stressors as well as the impact of
complex emotions, then mild bipolar symptoms can sufficiently diminish and no
longer meet the threshold for the bipolar diagnosis. I am not saying this
commonly occurs, but I can report that anecdotally, I do see it happen from
time to time. In other words, sometimes growing up also means smoothing out.
Maturation is
one of those things that happens apart from our volition. In fact, the cerebral
cortex, a part of the brain involved in judgment, decision-making and impulse
control continues to develop into the mid-20s. You don't just wake up one day
at age 19 and say I'm going to become grown up today. More accurately, you
gradually develop better insight, perspective and impulse control through
experience and with continued cortical development over the course of late
adolescence and young adulthood. That's where the hope lies for those in their
late teens with mild bipolar symptoms.
If you’re much
beyond your twenties and looking towards the influence of maturation upon
bipolar symptoms, it’s unlikely to occur. That doesn't mean maturation and
personal growth don’t continue throughout the life-cycle; but realistically the
degree of maturational change we experience begins to level off as we progress
into adulthood. So if you can’t bank on maturation, then where do you invest
your hope and your efforts to change? My own admittedly biased answer to this
is – psychotherapy. Before going there, we need to first consider the important
distinction between internal and external influences upon mood.
Let's begin by
thinking of bipolar disorder as being akin to the volatile substance,
nitroglycerine. When agitated, the substance rapidly changes from being
relatively inert to highly explosive. If the substance remains undisturbed
explosion can be avoided. There's much in life that can be agitating.
Environmental and situational stressors are pervasive: fast-paced employment
environments, high academic volume, the approach of work submission deadlines
and difficult individuals who don’t always treat us kindly… these are all in
the realm of external stress. They’re out there and, short of becoming a
recluse who lives off the grid, it’s difficult to avoid this kind of stress
within our lives. At the same time I’m not suggesting that we are all doomed to
react like a vial of agitated nitroglycerin.
Think of two
people with very different temperaments or personality styles. One is usually
calm, even-tempered, rarely anxious and mostly has positive self-esteem. The
second person, by contrast, approaches most things with apprehension and doubt
and often feels that stress undermines his or her capacity to think clearly and
make good decisions. These are people who approach life quite differently.
Imagine these
two people both experience the same difficult and challenging day. While their
external stress may be comparable, these individuals' capacity to manage their
day is quite different. For the one with anxiety and deficient self-soothing,
their fearfulness and difficulty remaining calm are stressors in and of
themselves. In other words, the psyche of the individual absolutely plays a
significant role in how the day is experienced. The notion that circumstance or
other people make us feel anyway in particular is inaccurate. Life comes at us,
but our response is our own creation.
Now let’s loop
back to the psychotherapy issue. If self-awareness, stress management, decision
making processes and interpersonal skills are all in the realm of things we may
have some influence upon, then it only make sense that improvement of these
functions could potentially improve one’s overall sense of emotional
equilibrium. And if our own internally generated stress or “how we are in the
world,” doesn’t lend itself towards stability, then it would also seem
self-evident that becoming involved in psychotherapy as a means of improving
one’s coping style is a reasonable thing to do.
I don’t want
to replicate the perspective that I criticized at the outset of this blog. Psychotherapy
won’t likely resolve the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Even the most
insightful, self-aware, self-accepting bipolar individual will still experience
some mixture of highs, lows and/or irritability that will be difficult to
manage. That’s life with bipolar disorder.
I also don’t
want to suggest that psychotherapy oriented towards significant personal change
is a simple undertaking. There aren’t three easy steps to equilibrium and
serenity. It's more the opposite: serious, in-depth, trans-formative
psychotherapy is hard work. Facing unresolved personal issues is something we
typically avoid rather than meet head on because the process often involves a
fair amount of emotional pain. But if you’re motivated towards therapy and can
find a skilled professional to facilitate the process, then meaningful personal
change is truly possible.